Trolls: The Beat Goes On! is a 2018 American animated television series produced by DreamWorks Animation that is based on the 3D computer-animated musical romantic comedy film Trolls. The series premiered on Netflix on January 19, 2018 exclusively in the United States, Canada, Latin America, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the Nordics, Benelux, and France. Amanda Leighton, Skylar Astin, Kari Wahlgren, Sam Lerner, David Kaye, David Fynn, Sean T. Krishnan, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Fryda Wolff provide the new voices for Poppy, Branch, Bridget, King Gristle, King Peppy, Biggie, Guy Diamond, Smidge, and DJ Suki and Satin & Chenille for this series respectively; only Ron Funches and Walt Dohrn reprise their roles as Cooper and Cloud Guy, also respectively. Matt Lowe also voices Creek in the series, who returns in "Creek Week".
Matthew Beans developed the series, with music from Alex Geringas and original songs by Alana Da Fonseca. 52 11-minute segments have been made, according to the promotional poster. James Zahn of The Rock Father confirmed that there would be a second season. It was streamed on March 9 and consists of seven episodes.
Video Trolls: The Beat Goes On!
The show picks up where the film Trolls left off; the series will follow Queen Poppy, her boyfriend Branch, the Snack Pack and the other Trolls, and their Bergen pals, as they experience everyday life in Troll Village.
Maps Trolls: The Beat Goes On!
Cast and characters
- Skylar Astin as Branch, an over-cautious Troll survivalist, and Queen Poppy's boyfriend.
- Amanda Leighton as Poppy, the optimistic queen of the Trolls, and Branch's girlfriend.
- Kari Wahlgren as Bridget, Poppy's best friend.
- Wahlgren also voices Bernice, a Bergen, Bella Brightly,a troll, Harper, another troll who is very artistic, Mags Gumdrop and Old Lady Bergen.
- Sam Lerner as King Gristle, the leader of the Bergens.
- Sean T. Krishnan as Guy Diamond, a glittery, silver naked troll with a highly Auto-tuned voice
- Kevin Michael Richardson as Smidge, a troll with an extremely deep voice.
- Richardson also voices Groth, a Bergen, and Chad and Todd, the guards of the Royal Bergen family, Eyestalk, Maitre D', Foreman and Klaus Von Frousting.
- Fryda Wolff as DJ Suki, the Trolls' resident disk jockey, Satin and Chenille, twins who are joined by their hair, Dr. Moonbloom, Gemma Fur and Gia Grooves.
- David Fynn as Biggie, a chubby, friendly troll, and Mr. Dinkles, his pet worm.
- Ron Funches as Cooper, a giraffe-like troll who walks on all fours.
- Walt Dohrn as Cloud Guy, an anthropomorphic cloud who often makes fun of Branch.
- Matt Lowe as Creek, a troll with zen-like wisdom.
- David Kaye as King Peppy, the former leader of the Trolls.
- Declan Churchil Carter as Keith, a young troll.
- Abby Ryder Fortson as Priscilla, a young troll.
- Gary Cole as Sky Toronto, the boss and owner of Sky Toronto's Party Shop
- Utkarsh Ambudkar as Master Controll, a troll.
- Arnie Pantoja as Archer Pastry, a glitter troll.
- Sainty Nelsen as Nova Swift.
- David Koechner as Buzby, a Bergen.
- Pat Pinney as Nangus, a Bergen who is in charge of the dungeon.
Season 1 (2018)
Season 2 (2018)
All tracks written by Da Fonseca and Yaeger except written.
The series was released internationally on Netflix. It was also released in the United Kingdom on Pop, in Australia on ABC Me, and in Canada on Family.
Home media
A DVD collection of all the season 1 episodes, titled Trolls: The Beat Goes On!: Season 1 was released on DVD on 2018 by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment.
External links
- Official website at DreamWorks TV
- Official website at Netflix
- Trolls: The Beat Goes On! on IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia